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GEM Car Motors - Direct Replacement & Performance
Tired of 23-25MPH?
Had it with over-heating problems?
Annoyed, Concerned about cars tailgating you on 30MPH roads?
Need 35MPH-40MPH while maintaining your range?
+Speed, +Safety, +Reliability - Ride-4-Fun has your answer
Ride-4-Fun Speed Check
Stock GEM Car
23-25 MPH
W/Ride-4-Fun Motor
35-40 MPH
W/R4F Motor & Wheel Pak
37-42 MPH
Performance & Repalcement Options For All 1998-2015 Model GEM Cars
For 1998-2015 GEM Cars we over direct replacement and performance motor packages, while for 2016-2019 models we offer performance kits.
Ride-4-Fun is the leading expert in GEM Car Performance - Having sold and serviced more high performance Gem car motors worldwide than all other GEM car suppliers combined. We have the experience and know how to get your GEM working right and tuned for performance. Unfortunately it's not a one size fits all GEM cars - There are significant differences between the model years and we have engineered our GEM Car Motor packages specifically for each of the model years to ensure a seamless bolt-on 35MPH-40MPH experience.
Depending upon GEM car year, your Ride-4-Fun Motor package can include a combination of programming, electrical modules, and hardware. Everything you need is included to ensure maximum performance, easy seamless bolt-on installation, and an accurate speedometer - it's not just a motor. A motor by itself is only part of the solution. The other components in a Ride-4-Fun motor package are critical to a reliable, and the highest performing installation.
No hassle, no frustration, and no delays in researching the componets you need - Ride-4-Fun has done the work. Just follow our instructions (and call us if have a question), - then bolt-on, snap-on, for a complete performance upgrade - in sometimes less then an hour!
We are pleased to offer the industriies only complete motor packages that ensures that all GEM owners can achieve maximum performance and maintain an accurate speedometer, regardless of GEM car year. For 2005 and newer GEM car owners, we now include the Ride-4-Fun Motor Module in your Motor Kit, which means there's no need to remove your controller. For 1999-2004 GEM owners, our re-programming will ensure speedometer accuracy regardles of tire/wheel size changes!

Order Ride-4-Fun HP Motor Pkg - $949
Please order for your year GEM Car
All 1998-2004 Models
Includes Performance Programming
Order Ride-4-Fun HP Motor Pkg - $999
Please order for your year GEM Car
All 2005-2012 Models*
All 2013 Models*
All 2014-2015 Models*
*Includes Ride-4-Fun Motor Module
Consider replacing your worn or damaged rubber motor bumper that goes inside the motor input shaft - Click here to purchase Ride4-Fun Resilient Motor Bumper.

The Ride-4-fun motor is built for continous peak 6,000 RPM performance, with awesome torque and top-end speed. At any time, feel free to Contact us to speak with a Gem car performance specialist to learn how easy it is to transform your GEM Car into a mean street machine that's incredibly fun to drive. Also, we invite you to take a minute to see what recent Ride-4-Fun customers are saying about their GEM car motors.
We are frequently asked, can't a "magnet" just be used to by-pass the speed limiter on a GEM car? The truth is a "magnet" may be part of the solution to by-pass the 25MPH limiter, but to actually go 30, 35, or 40MPH, you absolutely need more motor. Stock motors were just not designed for the increased RPM and heat associated with 30MPH to 40MPH GEM Car crusing - click here for additional information on this topic.
The Ride-4-Fun GEM car motor makes all other motors obsolete and is direct replacement motor for all 2, 4, and 6 passenger GEM cars. Offering 25% higher RPMs, 20% more power, 30% more torque, and higher reliability backed by an unconditional warranty, while redefining GEM car Performance. Its the motor chosen by police departments, universities, parks departments, security fleets, rental companies, and GEM car enthusiasts worldwide.
Experience the Ride-4-Fun difference - an overbuilt GEM car motor that can sustain speeds of 35MPH-40MPH; all day, in any environment, in any application. Don't be fooled by false peak horse power claims, which mean nothing. To cruise all day at 35MPH to 40MPH, you need continuous horsepower, and the Ride-4-Fun delivers more power than any other motor.
Here's how Ride-4-Fun Motor Kits stacks up:
Patented motor design delivers more power, generates more torque, increases brush life, cooler operating temperatures, quicker acceleration, and increased reliability/motor life.
Over the last 20 years GEM has made wiring, hardware and other configuration changes - When you order a Ride-4-Fun Motor Pacakage you can rest assured that you are getting the right motor and all the required components for your specific GEM car - This guarantees a no hassle, no issue, no down-time installation and peak motor performance.
Only Ride-4-Fun Motor Packages include the Ride-4-Fun Speedometer Calibration Module or programming to deliver an accurate speedometer for all applications (even up to 40MPH accuracy).
Highest quality steel components and innovative design allow the motor to operate with peak performance under the most extreme heat conditions - You simply can't cook a Ride-4-Fun Motor.
The Ride-4-Fun motor was built from the ground up as a high performance GEM car motor built to high performance specifications. The Ride-4-Fun is NOT a pumped up golf cart motor, or a modified NEV motor. Its on purpose design, means that you have the highest performing and most reliable GEM car motor that can purchased.
Each Ride-4-Fun motor is fully bench tested, dyno-ed, and premium packed. You're guaranteed the motor you expect, ready to perform, ready to enjoy, with the peace of mind you made the right investment in your GEM car.
6,000 RPM Sustained Operation Rated, with up 7,000 RPM operation (25% higher than other performance motors, and 50% higher than stock motors).​
Gem Car Performance 101: The stock motor in a 1998-2015 Gem Car is fine for 23-25mph - yes even the new 7HP GEM motor will ONLY go 25HPH. They were NOT designed to be used with radical controller programming or under extreme conditions. They operate within a limited temperature range and ANY attempts to achieve consistent 35MPH 40mph performance through gearing or excessive programming WILL result in heat related motor failure. See our Gem Car frequently asked questions for the real line on Gem Car performance.
Simply Stated - You Need More Motor: The Ride-4-Fun motor is the highest performaning motor available for Gem Cars and has been designed specifically for drivers that require additional speed, acceleration, and power while enhancing operating reliability. The motor is ventilated and can withstand operating temperatures of over 370 degrees, while a stock motor will cook at 185 degress. In addition it has a rated rpm of 6,000 while the stock motor is only capable of 4,100 rpm.
Increased Reliability: The Ride-4-Fun motor has been installed and tested in the most extreme applications. This is the only motor of choice for rental fleets, municipalities, commercial operators and police departments. We are so confident that you'll be impressed by its performance that we offer an unconditional 1-year warranty and return policy.
Easy To Install, Direct-Bolt-on: As a direct bolt-on for all Gem Cars, this motor can replace a stock 3.5, 5, and 7hp motors in less than an hour. Of course if you ever need assistance, Ride-4-Fun technical phone support is always available to assist. Check out our video installation library to see how easy it is to install a RIde-4-Fun performance replacement motor.
Designed Specifically For Top-End & High Torque Performance: The stock Gem 5hp motor only rates out at 5 hp for a 30 minute load, while the Ride-4-Fun HP motor generates 50% more power for 60 minutes, so it will handle over 50% more load for twice the amount of time.
Here's How To Get Your High Performance GEM Car:
Purchase the Ride-4-Fun High Performance GEM Car Motor Package for your year GEM car.
Install your new motor and the included components. If you have a 2005-2015 GEM Car, your all done and enjoy your High Performance GEM car!
If you have a 1998-2004 model year:
remove your controller (follow our instructional videos and Ride-4-Fun technical support can help).
Send your controller to Ride-4-Fun for performance programming.
Re-install your programmed controller and enjoy the performance!
Order Ride-4-Fun HP Motor Pkg - $949
Please order for your year GEM Car
All 1998-2004 Models
Includes Performance Programming
Order Ride-4-Fun HP Motor Pkg - $999
Please order for your year GEM Car
All 2005-2012 Models*
All 2013 Models*
All 2014-2015 Models*
*Includes Ride-4-Fun Motor Module