Your Source 4 GEM Car Performance Parts, Accessories & FREE GEM Tech Support
GEM Cars is all we do!
Contact Us - We are here to help GEM Car Owners Worldwide
Free GEM Car technical phone support - Our staff is ready to assist you with any questions you may have. Have a GEM car question, GEM Car acting up, need help diagnosing a problem, not sure which Ride-4-Fun products will best meet your needs, or need any additional information - feel free to contact us. It's time you put the Ride-4-Fun experience to work for you.
Free GEM Tech Support Line, Technical Product Support, Sales, & Dealer Inquiries:
Hours: Monday through Saturday from 9AM to 7PM (EST),
Call: at 1-631-275-6700
Ride-4-Fun, inc.
947 Elderberry Lane SW
Sunset Beach, NC 28468
Videos and Instructions To Help With The Removal and Installation of GEM Car Parts:
Removing and Installing GEM Car Motor
Turning off Power (up to 2004)
Turning off Power (2005+)
Removing the old motor and installing the Ride-4-Fun motor
Customer Installation - Watch Vinnie and his son install a Ride-4-Fun Motor and go from 25 to 40MPH!
Step 1 - Ride-4-Fun Motor Installation
Step 2 - Running GEM with Ride-4-Fun reprogrammed Controller (the laugh as the speedo goes from 39 to 40 MPH is priceless). Thanks for sharring Vinnie.
Removing a GEM Car Controller 1998-2004 (please click the links below)

Removing a GEM Car Controller 2005-2015 (please click the links below)

Installation of Ride-4-Fun 2 & 4 Passenger Full View Doors
Installation of Ride-4-Fun 2 & 4 Passenger Full View Doors

Removing a Zivan GEM Car Charger (2001.5-2004)
Removing a Zivan GEM Car Charger (2001.5-2004)
Raising Rear Fender on 2005+ GEM Car
Checking & Changing The Charging Profile (algorithm) on a Delta-Q QuiQ Charger
If you're changing battery type (ie. Lead acid flooded to Gel/agm) on a GEM car, you may have to change the charger or change the profile/algorithm of your Delta-Q charger.
The link below demonstrates how to check the current default charging profile on delta-q equipped GEMs and (if required) how to change the default charging profile:
The gem car delta-q charging manual (link below), shows a listing of charging profiles - If your charger is set to any setting other than 13, your charger is properly set to use the Ride-4-Fun lithium battery pak or Ride-4-Fun Gel/AGM batteries. If your charger is set to 13, use the link above to select any other available charging profile for lithium or Gel/AGM usage.